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Sep 12, 2011

Vaginal Dryness - The Causes and Prevention Measures Women Can TakeNote: Our intent here is to provide good and clean content on sexual health. We want to resolve all the mis-conceptions and curiosities about this subject. If you feel uncomfortable because of any article in this section, please let us know.
Almost every woman suffers from vaginal dryness anytime between her menstrual cycle and menopause. Vaginal dryness signifies the loss of the usual moisture and the softness that’s present in the area around the vagina.

This condition can be caused due to hormonal imbalance in women, and it is a widespread condition that many women face at least once in their lives. There’s no reason to panic, though, as there are many measures that women can take to rectify this problem.

An Overview on Vaginal Dryness

The mucus membrane in a woman's body keeps her vagina moist. This membrane is located at the mouth of uterus. The hormone estrogen helps in proper lubrication and keeps the vagina moist and healthy, also preventing vaginal dryness. As estrogen levels begin to fall, the effects can be quite clearly seen as the vagina dries up, making sexual intercourse a painful affair.
Vaginal dryness can be categorized under female sexual dysfunction and it makes sexual intercourse painful due to low levels of lubrication in the vagina. This can bring about a fear of intercourse in women and they start avoiding sex in order to get away from the pain, hence leading to low libido.
Likewise, if you are depressed or under any pressure, you can experience dryness in your vagina as this is another major cause. You must contact your counselor for help as it will help you get a solution for your problems. This can be due to any unresolved problems or family disputes. In cases like these, proper communication can help, because a general lack of communication can only but add on to your existing worries.

Symptoms of Vaginal Dryness

There are many symptoms involved with vaginal dryness and these include:
  • An itchy sensation in the vagina
  • Burning sensations in the genital region
  • Pain or bleeding during sexual intercourse
  • A frequent need for urination
  • A feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen

Causes of Vaginal Dryness

As mentioned above, vaginal dryness occurs when the level of estrogen in women drops. Due to child birth and frequent sex, a woman's vagina loosens. As a woman grows old, her hormone levels go down, making her vaginal walls thinner and making them even more elastic. The vagina becomes drier and the process of lubrication takes a long time too.
Although hormonal imbalance is the most common factor for vaginal dryness; other factors like taking cancer medication regularly, Sjogren's syndrome (an autoimmune disease characterized by dryness of the mouth and eye) and yeast infections can also lead to vaginal dryness.
Low estrogen can also be caused due to pregnancy, frequent smoking, surgical removal of ovaries, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy.

Prevention of Vaginal Dryness

There are various safe and secure home remedies for vaginal dryness. The remedies might take a few weeks to work but you should trust in the methods that are being provided and should be patient enough to continue on your quest till you see the results.
1. Drink plenty of water
Hydration is very important. A woman must consume at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. This step might sound very simple but the result will be very effective. Keep yourself hydrated all the time, and throw in some glucose to spice up your regular water.
2. Check for chemicals in your surroundings
Check the chemical constituents in your soap, laundry products, and shampoos. Some chemicals found in perfumes and other cosmetics might be harmful to the mucus tissues that are present in your vaginal lining. It is safe to pick products that protect you from harmful irritants.
3. Follow a balanced diet
Your body must get all the support that it needs to function properly and to maintain a balance in your hormonal levels. Low fat diets that many women follow starve the body, and such diets stops the body from getting the essential nutrients that are required to make sex hormones. For example, cholesterol plays a vital role in vaginal lubrication. Women tend to avoid cholesterol rich products and the body suffers from lack of lubrication.
4. Use a personal lubricant
Some women use person lubricants to achieve their required results. These lubricants help a woman in restoring her vaginal moisture and also improve hydration, endocrine support and nutrition. Such lubricants are widely available in the market and by choosing the right lubricant (go for the one that has Vitamin E) you can bring back the element of fun into your sex life.
5. Opt for mineral supplements
Maintaining a good diet is essential, but there are some nutrients that even a good diet can’t provide you with. Moreover, if you’re a vegetarian, your body might lack some essential vitamins or minerals that are present in low levels in your food items. Opting for mineral supplements can help you in this regard.


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