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Sep 12, 2011

Sex During Menstruation - Benefits, Facts and Risks ?

Note: Our intent here is to provide good and clean content on sexual health. We want to resolve all the mis-conceptions and curiosities about this subject. If you feel uncomfortable because of any article in this section, please let us know.
Sex During Menstruation - Benefits, Facts and RisksSex during menstruation is a controversial topic – as this practice is followed in some parts of the world while other countries or societies view it in a negative light. You can decide on whether you want to try out sex during menstruation based on your personal preferences and also based on your cultural beliefs. As far as facts go, doctors say that having sex during a woman’s periods is safe, with zero complications.

Benefits Involved With Sex During Menstruation

For women, sex during menstruation can be a very relieving and relaxing experience as they experience abdominal pain during their periods. If you have sex during your periods and experience an orgasm, the pleasure that you feel might take the edge off your menstrual pain and irritation.
This is because during sex, the brain releases endorphins, which can be termed as mood lifters and natural painkillers. These are released exactly during an orgasm, and they can wipe your headaches and cramps away. These endorphins can also make you less irritable and lift your spirits up if you’re depressed. A few women prefer to have sex during their periods because it makes them feel more whole and full.

Facts You Should Know About Sex During Menstruation

  • Having sex during this time is not something that you need to be disgusted at. Your menstrual discharge only contains some tissue lining and blood.
  • Your partner’s penis will not be affected by these substances in anyway, and the process will not even be irritating for you both.
  • Unless you don’t use a condom, you need not worry about any infections whatsoever.
  • The uterus does not open wide enough for the penis to be pushed in, so you needn’t worry about the penis affecting the uterus or vice versa.
  • You can try vaginal intercourse and refrain from indulging in oral sex.
  • In case you’re looking to indulge in oral sex, using a dental dam would be a really good idea.
  • Remember to clean up once before you have sex and remove your tampon.

Risks Involved In Having Sex During Menstruation

  • A condom is always necessary because the probability of your partner catching an infection from you will be high during this time.
  • Even you’ll be more exposed to infections from your partner when you indulge in sex during your periods.
  • Your chances of contracting pelvic inflammatory disease will be significantly high during your periods, so you should take extreme care.
  • You’ll be more prone to bacterial and yeast related infections during this time as your pH will be less acidic than normal. You will be exposed to diseases like candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis during this time.
  • Diseases that are transmitted through the blood like hepatitis C or B can be transferred through intercourse during your periods, and this is something that you should be aware of. You can get your sexual health checked regularly so that you’re sure that you don’t have any infections.

Pregnancy Issues

It is quite unlikely that you’ll get pregnant by having sex during your periods, but it’s always a good idea to be on the safer side and use a condom. Your chances of getting pregnant will normally be high when during ovulation, and this normally occurs 14 days prior to your periods.
But the problem here lies in the fact that sperms can survive inside women for a maximum of six days. This means that the sperms that enter your body during your periods may last through the entire time and fertilize the eggs when you’re back to normal. Using a condom will help in preventing this from occurring.



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