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Nov 9, 2011

Condoms serrations Preferred Choice of Women?

BANDUNG, HEALTH BLOG - In the market are found variouskinds of safety and taste of rubber or condom. However, a surveyshows, condom with a serrated texture was still be sought afterand most popular in Indonesia, especially by the Eve.

"Based on the results of the survey at random to distributors of condoms, condom it looks textured serrations (spots) are moremarketable than other types of condoms," said Hario Junianto,staff directors of the condom factory of PT Mitra RajawaliBanjaran in Jakarta, Tuesday (1 / 11 / 2011).
Hario said that, based on observations in the field, most consumers who come to buy condoms serrations are housewives.
"In accordance with the promotion. Condoms serrations aredirected more at the pleasure of women (wives). We see whyserrations may be preferred because of it. From the sensation ishigher than other condoms," continued Sumarni, Head ofCommercial Department of PT Mitra Rajawali Banjaran.
Day said that, unlike the case with people of Indonesia (who likecondoms serrations), plain condoms even more in demand insome developed countries like the United States. This wasprobably due to awareness of men to use condoms is much higher.
"What is clear here, the awareness of using condoms is still low.The more developed a country, then the awareness of condomuse by men (husbands) are higher," he added.
Based on the data, further Hario, condom use in Indonesia is stillless than 10 percent when compared to other contraceptives.Meanwhile, for some big cities like Jakarta, Bandung, Bali andMakassar, still occupies the top position as the region in the rate of condom use


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