Health Blog~ITS researchers in the United States found a link between memory loss with high-calorie foods. They investigated mild cognitive impairment (MCI) which is one of the early symptoms of dementia.
A study published in the conference said the high calorie diet is associated with increased risk of MCI is doubled, compared with low-calorie diet.
The team at the Mayo Clinic, USA to investigate the effectiveness of diet on 1233 people aged between 70 and 89 years. No one is suffering from dementia, but the 163 people diagnosed with MCI.
Patients were divided into low-calorie group (between 600 to 1526 calories per day) and high in calories (2145 to 6000).
The researchers compared the incidence of mild memory impairment between the two groups.
The results were presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. There were no differences between groups of mild and moderate calories, but mild memory disorders has doubled in the group with high calories.
Researcher Dr Yonas Geda said, "We made some observations on the dose-response pattern, which means the higher the number of calories consumed each day, the higher the risk of MCI."
The study could not conclude that high-calorie diets cause MCI, and that memory disorders may be caused by excessive consumption of food or because of other factors that create increased risk.
However, Dr. Geda said there are potential therapeutic method, "Cut calories and eat healthy foods can be a simple way to prevent memory loss."
The same money, research institutes Alzheimer's Research UK said a healthy lifestyle is known to protect the brain from dementia attacks.
Mild cognitive impairment is becoming increasingly attractive to researchers because it can help predict whether the disorder can progress to dementia or Alzheimer's.
Dr Marie Janson of the Alzheimer's Research UK, said the findings were very interesting and fits with the "grand scheme of prevention of Alzheimer's in the old days." (BBC/Wrt3)
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