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Jul 2, 2012

Sexual relations and masturbation at the age of 20 and 30's?

HEALTH BLOG~Men who are sexually active by age 20's and 30's
have a higher risk for prostate cancer, especially if they have a high frequency of masturbation, according to a study on more than 800 men published in the British Journal of Urology International (BJU International) .

Researchers in the United Kingdom also revealed the results of their research in which sexual activity in men aged 40-s has the effect of lower frequencies and even smaller in an 50-year old man can provide protection from prostate cancer. This study aimed at more masturbation than intimate partners.

The study, led by the University of Nottingham, took the subject of study (with a focus on their sexual activity) of more than 431 men who had prostate cancer diagnosed before age 60 years, along with 409 control subjects.

The men who participated in this study are given pertanyaandari various aspects of their sexual life since the age of 20, including at what age they become sexually active, how often they masturbate and have intercourse, how many sexual partners they are, and whether they have a sexually transmitted disease.

"We are looking for a relationship between sexual activity and younger men just like the relationship between prostate cancer in elderly men where the prevalence of the disease increases in men aged 50 years," said Dr Polyxeni Dimitropoulou from the University of Cambridge.

Hormones play a role in prostate cancer and its treatment generally is to reduce the levels of hormones that stimulate cancer cell growth. A man's libido is also regulated by these hormonal levels, because that's what this study tries to find a relationship between a man's libido by the risk of prostate cancer.

All men with prostate cancer diagnosed at the age of the 50's. Most of the men who participated in the study (97%) were white and the majority married (84%) or widowed, separated or divorced (12%).

Some interesting points raised in this study:

59% of men in both groups said they were sexually active (intercourse or masturbation) 12 times / month or more at the age of 20. This figure decreases with increasing age to 48% in the age of 30, 28% in the age of 40, and 13% at age 50-an
39% of the cancer group had six female partners or more, compared with the 31% of controls
Men with prostate cancer have a tendency to suffer from sexually transmitted diseases than those who do not suffer from prostate cancer
Most men with prostate cancer have sexual activity (intercourse or masturbation) than men from the control group. 40% of men with prostate cancer had the highest frequency at the age of 20 (20 times or more / month) compared with 32% of the control group. The same pattern was also found in men in their 30s and the 40s. At the age of 50, 31% of each group included in the category quite often (10 times or more / month)
Men with prostate cancer than men masturbate more frequently than the control group, with the highest frequency at the age of 20 (34% vs 24%) and 30's (41% vs 31%). The difference is not too far away at the age of the 40s (34% vs 28%) and the age of 50 (25% vs 26%)
What makes this study different from previous studies is the focus of the research leading to youth and involve both masturbation and intercourse at various stages of life. Broadly speaking, the study found a significant relationship between prostate cancer and sexual activity in men in their 20s and between masturbation and prostate cancer at the age of 20's and 30's. However, no significant relationship between sexual activity and prostate cancer at the age of 40.

The most rational explanation for the protective effect on men's age 50 from sexual relations, and particularly masturbation. Sexual intercourse or masturbation is the release of accumulated toxins during sexual activity and reduce the risk of cancer in the prostate. This theory has not stood stable and further research is still needed.

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