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Jul 2, 2012

Tip: Reasons Women Need Vibrators?

HEALTH BLOG-Using sex toys will surely spice up their own in ritual sex was not boring. One of the sex toys are the most popular vibrator
, at least for couples in the United Serikat.Hal was revealed by two surveys conducted by researchers from the University of Indiana, USA. In a survey conducted by Dr. Debra Herbenick and his team to the 2056 women aged 18-60 years revealed, 52.5 percent of women use a vibrator.

The majority of vibrator users claimed they were recently put on the vibrator. One of four new respondents use the last month.

After using sex aids, they admitted more easily aroused and excited, her vagina is more lubricated, easy to reach orgasm, and not feel pain during penetration. In addition, 71.5 percent of respondents said that did not experience side effects associated with use of the vibrator.

Women can help themselves in achieving sexual pleasure and satisfaction of using sex toys. Nothing wrong if women make the vibrator as a "friend" who can help achieve good pleasure of solo sex or with a partner in order to improve the quality of sex.

But in reality, women do not even feel strange familiar with the vibrator. The lack of knowledge makes a lot of antipathy towards the object of women who rely on battery power to provide stimulation to the clitoris is sexual pleasure as well.

There are five things about vibrators that women need to understand, it also could be a reason to have it and treasure it in the bed.

A. Vibrators for women.
Not all women can achieve orgasm with ease, and the vibrator can help women get pleasure and climax.

Vibrator is also good for women in terms of health. Studies show women who use vibrators more frequently checked reproductive organs such as the pap smear every year than those who do not use a vibrator.

Women who use vibrators are not only giving a gift to himself, with pleasure from clitoral stimulation, but also more concerned with the health of her vagina.

2. Men do not mind.
Vibrator does not intimidate him. So, just ignore the suggestion he would feel uncomfortable if you use these sex aids.

Strengthen the study, men do not mind if their partner using a vibrator. In fact, many men are agreed that using a vibrator healthy for women's sex lives.

3. Affect sexual satisfaction.
No need to doubt the power of a vibrator that can affect women's sexual satisfaction.

Studies show that women who have a positive perspective on the use of a vibrator, and wear it for 30 days, have higher levels of sexual satisfaction. Both in terms of libido, lubrication is also a better orgasm.

4. Can be cleaned.
Vibrator can also be dirty because of the use or storage, but may be cleaned. The reason is not hygienic care provided indisputable vibrator can be taken. If sex toys are available in the market, the cleaner can be obtained.

In addition to using special cleaning vibrator, you can also take care to clean it regularly using soap. Use soap mixed with warm water to moisten the vibrator while cleaning, then wipe the vibrator. When cleaning, avoid the area of ​​the battery and the controller.

5. Lots of options.
Many options can be tailored to the needs of the vibrator. When buying or using a vibrator consider the durability and validity. Of course, premium quality vibrator will last longer, and have a warranty so that if any part is damaged by too frequent use, chances are you can replace or repair it.

Quality vibrator can be used for a long time, but not forever. While the vibrator which usually last less than one year if used too often.

If the vibrator is gel or rubber-containing materials, you must replace it after a year of use due to the use of more than one year may invite the risk of bacteria to the vaginal area.


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