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Oct 15, 2012

How To Control Healthy Libido - A lot of people have problems with sexual desire or libido is often too high or too low. Various ways can be done to control the libido in order to achieve a balanced sexual life.
Libido or the desire greatly affect the sexual life. A person with high libido tends to force sexual desire. While low libido often cause embarrassment, frustration, or hesitation in giving pleasure.

As reported by eHow, there are several techniques to control libido, namely:

Often sports.

To reduce sex drive, try the routine and other physical activities such as strenuous exercise, such as marathon or weightlifting. This could encourage sexual energy into a different physical activity. Exercise can also be used to increase libido. For example, weight lifting, cardiovascular exercises, Kegel exercises and yoga. Sport is a simple and effective way to increase arousal and satisfaction in sexual life.


Meditation has been used as a tool in controlling libido. Sometimes meditation can be done in conjunction with the practice of yoga to create the relationship of mind and body, increase or decrease sex drive.
Try out new sexual techniques for those with low libido.

To increase libido, try "out of routine" sex life normally and turning to new techniques to enhance sexual experience and libido. Watch the sensual video, role play, or the use of sex objects can be useful to increase libido.
Note the erotic experience.

Note erotic experience ever made in a personal agenda can be used to train a person in controlling sex drive is too high or low. To increase libido, note earlier can be a safe place to explore erotic fantasies and experience progress. Meanwhile, to reduce libido, these records can be a useful place to express sexual energy.

The practice of yoga reduces anxiety and stress - key factors sexuality. Controlling the root cause of this can make people control sexual urges. Yoga is often used for stress and anxiety put energy into other areas, such as libido, especially if the person is trying to increase libido.


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