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Sep 17, 2011

4 Health Risks of Anal Sex


Anal sex or intercourse is a type of sexual intercourse in which the penis of the male is inserted into the anus of the female (rather than vagina). This type of sex is practiced mainly by members of the homosexual community, but the style of sex is slowly catching on in urban places among heterosexual couples too.

Many people find this type of sex to be very pleasurable, mainly because the anus is a very sensitive and narrow region which can excite a male’s penis and at the same time, satisfy the woman too. Anal sex may have its fair share of advantages, but there are many disadvantages and risks involved in this type of sex too. Firstly, similar to other types of sex, even anal sex is exposed to the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

Health Risks of Anal Sex

1. General Risks

Anal sex is particularly risky and dangerous because the anus is one the dirtiest regions in the human body. There are a large number of microorganisms present in the anus (more specifically, in the rectum). Moreover, the rectum and anus are two very sensitive spots that can be easily affected, and indulging in anal sex can actually damage these body parts.

Penetration during anal sex is very painful during the first few times, and many effects like leakages, hemorrhoids, anal prolapse, fissures, ulcers and ano rectal pain have been noted due to regular anal sex. The anal sphincter is a very soft spot, and this may tear during such intercourse.

Studies have shown that people who indulge in anal sex are exposed to more microorganisms and bacteria than people who engage in regular sex.

2. Physical Damage

Anal fissures may occur due to such intercourse, and trauma can also occur during such sex practices. If the intercourse is forced, there’s a good chance that rectal damage may occur. Even if the couple are inebriated and under the influence of alcohol, they may not realize the intensity with which they are mating, and this may lead to damages in the rectum. The sphincter may get soiled and dilated during anal sex, and people may lose control over their bowels in the long run.

Using lubricants can make the process less painful, and condoms are mandatory.

3. Anal Cancer

Studies have shown that people who indulge in anal sex may suffer from anal cancer. This cancer is caused due to the human papilloma virus, which infects the inner parts of the anus. People who smoke are at risk for such cancer and people who have multiple sex partners can also contract anal cancer over a long run. Studies also show that African American men are more likely to get anal cancer than others. It’s been shown that they’re less resistant to the same.

4. Other Infections And Diseases

People relate anal sex to HIV, as the risk of getting HIV AIDS is more among people who follow anal sex. Other infections like an HPV infection (which causes anal cancer) and typhoid fever are also common among couples who practice this mode of intercourse. Infections and diseases like gonorrhea, giardiasis, Chlamydia, amoebiasis, herpes simplex, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, and hepatitis A are also common among people who practice anal sex.

White blood cells are concentrated around the rectum, and anal sex may result in cuts and fissures in this region, giving the HIV virus and other virus access to the immune system. The HIV virus mainly thrives among the immune system’s T cells (also called as CD 4 cells). This is why anal sex practices can increase your risk of catching an infection.
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