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Sep 17, 2011

Understanding Low Libido?

Lack of or a low sexual desire is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions. Getting to the root of low libido can help you enjoy sexual 

As many as 43 percent of women and 31 percent of men have experienced sexual dysfunction, and one of the most common problems is low libido, or a low sex drive.

Missing the spark that makes you want to enjoy sexual activity is a prevalent type of sexual dysfunction, but it is also one of the trickiest to solve.
Recognizing Low Libido
For some people, low libido is a new problem that has a physical or emotional cause. Others may have had low sexual desire their entire lives, and that may be a result of the way their brains are hardwired, says Carolyn Nemec, MD, a women’s health specialist at Cleveland Clinic Willoughby Hills Family Health Center in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. When it’s an ongoing problem, doctors call ithypoactive sexual desire disorder.
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder means there’s a lack of desire for sexual activity and an absence of sexual fantasies, says Bruce Carr, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. People who have the disorder also experience distress over their low sex drive.

In many cases, low libido happens for no apparent reason. It comes out of the blue to people who have a good relationship with their spouse, Dr. Carr says. When he studied women with hypoactive sexual desire, he was surprised by how many premenopausal women reported to him that they lacked the desire to have sex.
“The classic patient would say she was having sex before marriage and at the beginning of her marriage, but after a few years, for no reason, she no longer desired sex at all,” Carr says. Many of the women said they had sex only to please their husbands.
Low Libido in Men and Women
For women, low desire is one of the most common sexual issues, and it can affect you in many ways. Low desire may mean not wanting to have sex, not wanting to masturbate, having few sexual fantasies, and being worried about the lack of desire.
In a recent U.S. study of 2,207 women between the ages of 30 and 70, researchers found that 36 percent had low sexual desire. About 8 percent had hypoactive sexual desire disorder, defined as having distress about having low desire.
For men, aging is a big factor in low libido. Studies have found that men with higher amounts of testosterone circulating in their blood have a higher sex drive, but testosterone levels drop as men age. Researchers say that as many as 10 percent of men in their forties have a sexual dysfunction, but up to 80 percent of men older than 70 experience it.
Getting at the Root Cause of Low Libido
What drives sex drive, especially for women, is complicated. It can be difficult to know exactly what is causing low sex drive. Possibilities include:
  • Birth control pills. Contraception has been implicated in reducing sex drive in women, but this is still being debated. “There’s some evidence that birth control pills may reduce sexual drive, but I haven’t bought into that,” Carr says. While that evidence shows that birth control lowers free testosterone levels, it hasn’t been shown that testosterone is related to hypoactive sexual desire disorder, he says. It’s also generally thought that if a woman is using contraception, she’ll be more relaxed and won’t worry about getting pregnant, and that should improve sex drive, Carr adds.
  • Menopause. A woman’s estrogen levels plummet at menopause and during the years leading up to menopause. As a result, you may notice vaginal dryness and pain during sex, which can understandably lead to a lower sex drive.
    In that recent study of sexual desire, 52 percent of women who had gone through menopause were more likely to have low desire, while only 27 percent of premenopausal women reported low libido. The researchers estimated that at least 16 million women 50 and older had a low sex drive, while about four million felt distress over having low desire.
  • Aging. While the hormone changes of menopause play with women’s sexual desire, men may also experience some hormone changes that can lead to a drop in libido. One study of 414 men between the ages of 40 and 79 found that sex drive and erectile function were significantly affected by testosterone levels.
  • Family problems and stress. The stresses of having children, running a household, financial problems, and relationship troubles can all lead to a lower sex drive in both men and women. If you can identify a cause for low libido, counseling with your partner may help to lower your stress levels and improve your sex drive, Carr says.
  • Depression and anxiety. Both can have a huge impact on your sex drive and, unfortunately, some of the most common antidepressants tend to cause a further drop in sex drive and the enjoyment of sex.
  • Trauma in your past. Not surprisingly, negative sexual experiences in your past can affect your desire for sexual activity, but working through those issues can help improve your sex drive.
You can live with low libido, but why should you? Sex can bring pleasure to both you and your partner and make you feel closer, so it’s worth trying to heighten your sex drive if it’s low. That may mean opening the lines of communication with your partner, talking to your doctor about physical causes of low sex drive, and possibly seeing a certified sex therapist. The good news is that there are steps you can take to rekindle your sex drive and enjoy sexual activity again.

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Daniela Theresa said...

it is much important to every individual to make our low libido active. It should be their when it is needed just like during sex. Lack of rest is one reason of having a low sex drive and we must avoid that.

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