Sexually transmitted disease (STD) is very dangerous for thehealth and survival. Unfortunately, many people do not realize thathe suffered from the disease. For that, mengenalilah signs.
Most people who suffer from sexually transmitted diseases(STDs) feel ashamed of visiting a doctor. In fact, checked outearly to anticipate which can suppress the rate of progression of the disease. Not only that, self-control will be the signs that theyhad contracted a dangerous disease that too needs to beinformation that needs to be known.
Dr Mirriam Stoppard in his book "Family Health Guide" said,some STDs have no symptoms at an early stage or cause symptoms that are not clear.
"But if someone feels he contracted an STD and suffer from oneor even all of the signs he was infected, he should immediately see a medical," suggested Stoppard.
The following signs or symptoms of someone who is infected withan STD:
1. Pain during bowel movements or bowel movements.
2. Odorless and colorless liquid came out more and more smellythan usual.
3. Vagina liquid is accompanied by rash or sore and itchy.
4. Low back pain or pelvic pain or groin.
5. Pain during sex.
6. Lump / pain points in the genital area, including around the anus.
7. Fever accompanied by one of the above symptoms.
8. Oral sex can cause symptoms around the mouth, includingsore throat.
9. Anal sex can cause symptoms around the anus.
If you experience it, seek immediate help nearby. "There arespecial clinics, clinics for STDs, in several large cities thatguarantee the confidentiality of the therapy. To find the nearestclinic, patients can ask to the local health center, call the hospital,or look in the phone book," he advised. (ind) (tty)
Most people who suffer from sexually transmitted diseases(STDs) feel ashamed of visiting a doctor. In fact, checked outearly to anticipate which can suppress the rate of progression of the disease. Not only that, self-control will be the signs that theyhad contracted a dangerous disease that too needs to beinformation that needs to be known.
Dr Mirriam Stoppard in his book "Family Health Guide" said,some STDs have no symptoms at an early stage or cause symptoms that are not clear.
"But if someone feels he contracted an STD and suffer from oneor even all of the signs he was infected, he should immediately see a medical," suggested Stoppard.
The following signs or symptoms of someone who is infected withan STD:
1. Pain during bowel movements or bowel movements.
2. Odorless and colorless liquid came out more and more smellythan usual.
3. Vagina liquid is accompanied by rash or sore and itchy.
4. Low back pain or pelvic pain or groin.
5. Pain during sex.
6. Lump / pain points in the genital area, including around the anus.
7. Fever accompanied by one of the above symptoms.
8. Oral sex can cause symptoms around the mouth, includingsore throat.
9. Anal sex can cause symptoms around the anus.
If you experience it, seek immediate help nearby. "There arespecial clinics, clinics for STDs, in several large cities thatguarantee the confidentiality of the therapy. To find the nearestclinic, patients can ask to the local health center, call the hospital,or look in the phone book," he advised. (ind) (tty)
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