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Feb 3, 2012

Multivitamin Supplements Safe Consumption tips?

Two research results being announced in recent days raises concerns about the safety of consumption of vitamin supplements. Should we mengasupnya? Vitamins and minerals which are most at risk? How to choose the safest?

Most people consider a good multivitamin supplement for the body. The industry even refer to it as "insurance" for those who have a less healthy diet.Many people do not realize that the food we have available asup enough vitamins and minerals. Even food and beverages in containers, including those classified as junk food is often enriched with nutrients as well as value added. Because of that risk to suffer from excess vitamin to be very large if we still added a variety of vitamin supplements."The study results prove the supplement were not as safe as claimed by the industry," said David Schardt, a nutritionist from the Center for Science in the Public Interest.Earlier this week a study involving more than 40,000 older women found that a high risk of death in those who took daily supplements, including multivitamins, folic acid, iron, and copper.Other research shows that men who consume high doses of vitamin E, about 400 units a day, for five years at a higher risk of prostate cancer.Basically there is no strong scientific evidence regarding the efficacy of multivitamins in reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease or other chronic diseases.In addition studies show the health risks in people who lack certain vitamins are considered experts wrong. Meet the deficiency of vitamins or minerals to meet daily needs by adding different levels exceeding recommended.The best way to meet the body's need for vitamins is to eat foods that naturally contain vitamin. "Foodstuffs are not only contain vitamins and minerals, but also contain fiber and other healthy," said Jody Engel, nutritionist.When we get vitamins from natural food, it is impossible to be an excess of vitamins or minerals.Who needs this?Schardt explains, there are some people who require supplementation, namely:- Postmenopausal women who require vitamin D and calcium to protect bones.- Women who are planning pregnancy need folate to prevent birth defects.- People aged over 50 years and adopted a vegetarian requires vitamin B12.- Pregnant women need extra iron.- Nursing mothers may need calcium and vitamin D.If you do need a supplement, be careful on, researching a supplement company that has recently published the results of his findings that mentions one of four supplements do not contain substances listed in the packaging.They also assert that the high price is not a guarantee of good quality supplement. Note also the presence or absence of the safety certification of authorized institutions, for example BPOM.Here are tips on safely taking supplements:- Make it simple. More and more content contained in the supplement combo, the more likely number is not correct.- According to experts from the Office of Dietary Supplements, whenever possible select a specific supplement combo with age and gender. Multivitamins typically contain little iron and vitamins for the elderly usually contain more calcium and vitamin D.- Consumption of vitamin D at dinner. The study shows the absorption of nutrients is much better when consumed with a meal and more fat.- Be wary of vitamin K supplement because it can speed up the blockage of blood vessels and can interfere with heart medications and blood thinners.- Smokers and former smokers are advised to avoid multivitamins that contain beta carotene or vitamin A. Two scientific studies show this vitamin increases the risk of lung cancer.- For cancer patients, vitamin C and E would reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy.- The person who will perform surgery should inform their doctors if you take vitamin supplements as some kind of vitamin can cause bleeding and interfere with anesthesia.
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