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Feb 2, 2012

Watch out, Stroke Also Attacking Young People?

Jakarta - A stroke, which was originally believed to only attack the elderly, it can happen to young people, due to changes in lifestyle and environment.

According to Dr. Robinson Harahap, cardiologists Army Central Hospital (Army Hospital), in his statement here on Wednesday (18 / 1), stroke in medicine such as heart attack, which occurs due to narrowing of blood vessels.
In times of stress, according to Robinson, a person susceptible to a stroke or heart attack, especially if there are blockages in blood vessels that flow, both to the heart or the brain.
Cause, when stressed brain requires more oxygen, forcing the heart to work faster to drain the blood that carries oxygen to the brain.
"The situation is dangerous, especially when blood can not flow properly, due to the narrowing of blood vessels," he said.
That is, continued Robinson, which makes blood vessels burst because it could not withstand the high blood pressure.
"In addition to stress, stroke or heart attack also usually occurs in people who lack of exercise, smoking, diabetes, obesity (overweight), and people aged over 40 years," said Robinson.
But today, young age is not a guarantee of stroke and heart attack can not happen. Because, he says, there have been many changes, both lifestyle and environmental conditions.
Robinson said, if the blocked blood vessels to the brain, then that is what is called a stroke. Meanwhile, if the blocked blood vessels to the heart is, then the condition is called cardiac arrest.But the two can lead to sudden death.
In the case of a sudden stroke, if the blood vessels around the brain is broken, then it is fatal for the victims. The signs are breathing like snoring and mouth foaming.
Fast food
According to Dr. Budi Hartono, Indonesia University expert on public health, urban lifestyles who like to eat fast food have increased risk factors a person has a stroke or heart attack.
It happened because the LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), which is in the ready meals, settle in the blood vessels, he said.
Budi explains, LDL is actually needed by the body, but in small amounts. Even the body also produces LDL, so you can imagine what would happen if someone eats too many foods that contain lots of LDL.
In addition to the habit of eating unhealthy food, busy urban society also makes the city no longer had time to exercise. The situation was exacerbated by the poor condition of the current environment. For example, city air pollution inhaled contaminated person. "The air became one of the risk factors are difficult to control," he said.
Differ by a factor of eating habits, which should be controlled, according to Budi, the risk factor of stroke and heart attack a choice for each person.
For example, he says, people can choose different foods, despite eating the same meal at home, so that any attack risk factors differ for each person.
But if the review of the quality factor of the inhaled air, people can not choose. Although these people just want to breathe clean air without carbon monoxide or other pollutants, but if the air quality around him did not satisfy his desire, then he should be forced to breathe dirty air, he said.
Budi said the polluted air of carbon monoxide or other pollutants, such as the air in Jakarta, can make the oxygen in the blood pressure. Or in other words, the blood carrying carbon monoxide rather than oxygen.
As a result, the body was starved of oxygen. One character is easily tired. The situation is sustained by the heart to speed up the flow of blood throughout the body. You can imagine what would happen, if the blood vessel is blocked, he said.
Blockage of blood vessels are recognized, both by Dr. Robinson and Budi, do not happen instantly, but the accumulation of various risk factors. But in certain situations, when the heart is triggered to work harder, blood vessel blockage can be fatal.
The condition occurs when a person is easily depressed, both physically and psychologically. Although not triggered by physical violence, heightened emotions can cause increased blood pressure. At that time, if there is blockage of blood flow, the blood vessels can rupture, said Budi. [TMA, Ant]


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