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May 21, 2012

Easy How To Detect Breast Cancer Alone ?

breast cancer
breast cancer
HEALTH BLOG ~ JAKARTA: Breast self-examination (BSE) is recommended for women as it is quite powerful, easy and inexpensive way to detect early abnormalities in the breast, especially cancer. 

It was submitted by the Director of Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Sonny Panigoropada Sonar, a discussion for breast cancer awareness campaign in Pondok Indah Hospital, Jakarta, Tuesday.
"The right time is 8 to 10 days after menstruation, women are certainly more familiar with her own breasts, making it easier to do your own investigation," said Sonar.
This examination is useful for finding a lump as early symptoms of breast cancer, which usually occurs in the area around the breast and armpit, Sonar said.
"Every bump is not necessarily cancer, could be a cyst, tumor, infection, or trauma, because that is really cancer is usually only 15%," said Sonar, adding that women should still be checked if you find a lump in her breast area.
Sonar presents bump was because swollen glands due to cancer, and new women usually feel the need to check it out after a lump was bigger. Whereas for the swelling reaches a centimeter, it takes up to five years.
"Fewer women would be conscious of this, so that 50 to 80 percent of people who came were already in an advanced stage, making it more difficult to cure," said Sonar.
Women aged 40 to 50 years tend to be more susceptible to breast cancer. The process of developing breast cancer from stage zero to an advanced stage, can reach 15 years, he said. (Reuters / ea)


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