HEALTH BLOG - harmony in a household it is essential to the relationship the couple (couples)
. However, with the passing of time, the relationship can be bland if not maintained. Especially for women who are obliged to serve her husband postpartum.
Conditions of female sex organs will certainly differ between after giving birth to the moment have not had children. That is why, although women who already have children it is recommended that care for her intimate organs to maintain harmonious relations with their husbands.
One alternative treatment could try Vagina Treatment Acupuncture treatment (VTA). This treatment can be obtained at Calista Rossa is located at Jl Hos Cokroaminoto No. 78, Enggal, Bandarlampung.
Owner Rossa Calista, Hercia Rossy said, the VTA is a treatment program for women after childbirth. Use care to tighten the stretched female sex organs
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