Fruit and Vegetables |
HEALT BLOG~Fruit and Vegetables to Help Your Diet, Fruits and vegetables are foods that contain lots of fiber to the body. Taukah pal if there are fruits and vegetables quickly removes cholesterol? Even some fruits and vegetables can act as a fat burner. Was any kind of fruits to the diet?
Like where this could happen? The following penjelasanya, some fruits and vegetables are the foods 'negative calorie', which means it has fewer calories than your body needs for digestion. When met with negative calorie foods diet cholesterol / fat, then the food can burn off some excess fat and help prevent weight gain.
A. Apple
It turned out that by eating 1 apple a day can help us keep the fat from the body. Apples contain lots of vitamin C, which liquefies the fat and makes it easier to be removed from the body.
Apples also have pectin, a complex carbohydrate that is limiting the amount of fat absorbed into the cell. Pectin even help the absorption of water, which also helps get rid of body fat emergency.
2. Asparagus
Asparagus contains asparagine chemicals that help break down fats, stimulates the kidneys, as well as improve the overall blood circulation. Asparagus also destroy the oxalic acid which binds to fat cells, so the fat to be removed from the system before it had a chance to be stored in the body.
3. Broccoli
Broccoli is the content of the vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid and calcium that can be said to be a high level. The fiber content of broccoli makes your body more energy released during the digestive process, making it very effective to burn fat. Coupled with an effective antioxidant against the disease.
4. Carrots
As we all know that carrots contain carotene is a form of vitamin A. Carotene causes the fat flushing reaction in the body. Once inside the intestine, carotenoids are also turned into vitamin A, helps increase metabolism and burn more calories.
5. Orange
Due to contain vitamin C which is quite high, orange becomes a potential fat burning. Oranges also contain pulp and fiber, which requires the body to spend more energy on digestion. As a result, more calories burned, resulting in fat reduction.
So if my friend is in a healthy diet, and wanted to lose weight then there is no harm in trying to consume fruits and sayurt to diet to speed up the process of blood money pal, may be useful.
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