HEALTH BLOG~Naturally, the possibility of pregnant women have about 20-25 percent in a single cycle of 20 years of age. That is, at the age of 20 years, in each ovulatory cycle, the possibility of becoming pregnant is 20-25 percent.
The sex itself was formed from the merger of the cell (fertilization) of sperm with the egg in the oviduct. Thus, the occurrence of man is not in the uterus, but at the end of the oviduct called ampulla of the fallopian tube.
After the meeting, arguably all human beings have formed the basic material. There was incorporation of maternal chromosomes and chromosome fathers, including gender will also be formed. In the event of any abnormality, since the beginning could have known, said Dr. Prima Progestian, Sp.OG., Puring Park RSIA Muhammadiyah, Jakarta.
After that, cells that had joined and had to log back into an embryo implanted in the uterus. Or conversely, out again as the menstrual period. In the event of a merger between the Y sperm and an egg cell X, then it will be a male fetus. Women only carry one type of chromosome (X), while males have two types of sperm carrying X and Y chromosomes
Sometimes there is a failure of sperm formation. For example, the incidence of XO or just carry sperm X, while Y is not formed. Finally, what happens is that girls are not perfect. There are also chromosomal disorder in which excess or less. This disorder can affect the pattern of sexual performance. For example, if a place is XYY, may be emerging is a very aggressive child. In America, research is usually carried out to the bandits. Y chromosome was found its overkill, so that they become very aggressive and cause social problems, said Prima continue.
Factors that strongly influence the sex of the baby is a genetic factor. For example, in America, found a family who have a tendency to always give birth to a baby boy. Over the past 200 years, descendants of the family were all male. It depends on the strength or the number of sperm cells that exist. But in general, the probability of the baby's sex is 50-50.
The penetration depth
So, in fact, can not really, couples choose the sex of the baby as they wish? Many opinions or myths that suggest certain tricks in order to obtain the baby's sex as expected, from the starting position sex, food, and so forth.
The method is now widely used method is found to Dr. Landrum Shettles. Author of How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby is analyzed that the pH of the vagina plays a role in the fertilization process. The more alkaline pH (alkaline) tend to produce a baby male sex, while a more acidic pH (acidity) otherwise. From this base, then researched and sought to obtain the vaginal pH diiinginkan atmosphere.
One is a sex position. Order to create the atmosphere of the alkaline pH of the vagina, sex position recommended is penetrating deeper and deeper into the cervix. This can lead to alkaline conditions, while the penetration is more to the outside, tend to create acidic conditions, which means more chances of getting a big girl, Prima continued.
While the very least to control the penetration, the recommended position is the missionary position to create acidic pH, and rear-entry position to create an alkaline pH.
So is the food, choose the type that can cause acidic or alkaline. For example, to create an atmosphere of acid, the consumption of recommended foods are foods that contain elements of salt, or foods high in calcium and magnesium, such as dairy products (cheese, yogurt) and its derivatives. Then, avoid foods that contain meat, because of the high sodium and potassium. Conversely, to obtain a baby boy, choose foods that are high in sodium and potassium. This will help the atmosphere becomes more alkaline vaginal fluid.
Right timing
In addition to the position of sex and food, which is often used way is to wash the vagina before intercourse. For example, to obtain an acidic pH of the vagina, the vagina is washed with vinegar, while for alkaline conditions, can be washed with baking soda (baking soda). This technique has a success rate that is not too high, about 50-70 percent.
Another technique is the technique of ovulation time (timing of ovulation), which was also introduced by Dr. Shettles. This basic technique is to look at the level of sperm movement. Y sperm are smaller, because less genetic material, but short age. While the X sperm more fat, larger and slower movements, but its age is more durable, clear Prima.
On the basis of anatomical shape of sperm, the Shettles see the time factor can influence the sexual gender of the baby. The closer the time of sexual intercourse to ovulation, the expected faster Y sperm move into the egg, so the possibility of producing a male child is greater. Shettles recommends intercourse performed 1-2 days before ovulation.
If you want a girl, intercourse should be done long before ovulation, could be 3-5 days before ovulation, then do not touch anymore, he added. Hopefully, X sperm is sluggish, while the Y sperm are still resistant to the egg. Shettles claims, this technique has the possibility of successful 70-80 percent.
Think about the select Sperm
In addition to the Shettles method arguably low technology, people start looking for a way to choose the sex of a more scientific and more certain. One of them by selecting sperm. X and Y in the road with the fluid filtered albumin (albumin method). This method was invented by Dr. Ronald Ericsson, PhD and is now used for inseminations.
In principle, the sperm-washing, rotated (centrifuged), and then inserted into the albumin media. Well, good swimming ability of sperm retrieved. This method of sperm sorting out just fine, but do not select the type of sperm, so the probability is only 78 percent-85 percent for boys, and 73 percent-75 percent for girls.
More sophisticated method is the micro-sorting (MicroSort). The principle of this method is marked chromosomes with a dye fluorescence or FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization). Sperm are marked with fluorescence dye, so that emits a particular color, through a tool called a flow citometry. For example, the Y sperm green, red X sperm. After that would be obtained X or Y sort sort.
The success of this method is claimed to increase to 85 percent, although there is still sperm that pass too. This method has also been conducted in the United States, although it still appears the pros and cons of security surrounding the dye, added Prima.
(NOVA / Hasto Prianggoro)
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