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Aug 6, 2012

Tip 5 Strategies Banish Fat Forever?

HEALTH BLOG-You are tired of the struggle to lose weight seemed endless? Well, try the following strategies that were collected from the experts.

1. Inadequate vitamin D
That adequate vitamin D each day may help you lose weight. A study at the University of Minnesota found that people who start a weight loss program with vitamin D levels are not sufficient to be malnourished. Other studies have shown that vitamin D increases the effectiveness of leptin, a hormone that signals satiety to the brain. Because it is difficult to obtain D from foods when dieting, Shalamar Sibley, MD, assistant professor at the university suggests you may need supplements of vitamin D3 mengasup. Many experts recommend 1000 iu (international units) per day.

2. Stop sociotropy
You do not really want to snack, but your immediate friends. Finally, you give up and order a slice of tiramisu. Stop into the sociotropy type of person who always tried to please others. "Women have slightly higher scores in this tendency than men," says Julie Exline, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Case Western Reserve University. "Reject your friends just call politely but firmly that you are not hungry."

3. Eat slowly
Most of us eat quickly, chew each bite only a few times, which means we consume more food than we realize. In a recent study, people who chew each bite 40 times eat almost 12 percent less than those who chewed only 15 times. When we chew again, our bodies produce less ghrelin, a hormone that increases appetite, and more peptide hormones are believed to curb hunger. From now on, eating slowly.

4. Outsmart your appetite
Research shows that fat triggers the release of chemicals similar to those experienced by addicts narkoba.Trik to keep your appetite is to avoid foods that make you lose control. It's just that it's hard to do because the temptation is everywhere "If you're tempted to eat a scone with a coffee at Starbucks, rather than try to think about the imagined pleasures slimmer waist without it," Eric Stice, PhD, a senior research scientist at the Oregon Research Institute, U.S. to give advice.

In addition, eating healthy foods throughout the day to keep your blood glucose levels, which is the fuel your body so you feel energized throughout the day. You will also be better able to resist lust when changing the selection of nutritious snacks such as fruits, vegetables, low-fat yogurt, and whole wheat bread smeared with peanut butter. Studies have also shown that eating consistently helped us control the appetite.

5 sips of green tea
This healthy drink that can act as a diet drug in the mug, but without the negative side effects. Review the latest research from Penn State University concluded that drinking green tea regularly can help you trim your body weight. But that's not all. Experts say that drinking three to five cups a day can help you lose weight.



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