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Aug 8, 2012

Want to Waxing? Follow the rule

HEALTH BLOG - Follow the rules of waxing if you want maximum results. For example, selecting a special place for waxing and therapists who are trained, and understand the method of removal of hair in the area of ​​safe-V and minimal pain.

Strip, spa waxing to remove hair or fine hair on the body including the female organs, applying the complete procedure before and after waxing for its customers. To Compass Female, Elly Gozal, franchisee Strip (Singapore-based spa) describes the rules of the game before and after waxing.

Avoid waxing during the first trimester of pregnancy
When you decide waxing, you should not be pregnant. For young pregnant condition, especially the first trimester, is still vulnerable. It is feared that the tension when waxing for the first time will cause a contraction.

Spaced one week after your period ended
Waxing should also be done one week after menstruation. One or two days after a skin condition that affects your period is still very sensitive in area V. Do waxing too close to the distance from the last day of menstruation is not risky, it's just the pain of hair loss is revoked for longer than normal conditions. Indeed, after waxing for 15-20 minutes the pain was gone completely and not leave other than feeling the cool sensation.

"Although it is very normal, but waxing will feel more pain if it had just finished menstruating, especially on the lips of the vagina with a thinner skin texture. So we recommend waxing a week after your period," said Ade, therapists Strip in Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta.

Not currently taking any medications
If you currently taking any medications, Elly advised to stop using the drug for one month. Afterwards you do waxing in the area of ​​safe-V. This also applies if you want to pull out the hair on other body parts such as armpits, legs, hands, chest or other. Foreign drugs should also be avoided prior to waxing, such as exfoliation products.

Do not exercise immediately after waxing
After waxing, one basic rule is do not use tight clothes or doing activities that make the body sweat for 24 hours after waxing. Exercise, swim, or go to the gym after waxing is not recommended. Once waxed, the condition of the skin is still sensitive, and open pores. Excessive perspiration is feared to cause irritation.

Postpone intercourse after waxing
Even if you feel sexy and more confident in front of her husband with a fresh look at the V area, you should delay having sex until 24 hours after waxing. This rule should be run to avoid the risk of irritation due to excessive sweating or due to friction.

One of waxing treatments are not rub or touch the treatment area after waxing. The goal is that the bacteria does not spread in the area of ​​V is still in a state sensitive to the pore is open after the hair removed.

Compulsory treatment after waxing
After waxing, do the obligatory treatment, namely:
* May not shower with hot water, especially soaking in the bathtub with hot water.
* Avoid heat or ultraviolet treatments such as soaking, steam bath, jacuzzi and hot water.
* Avoid tight clothing.
* Avoid perfumes, deodorants, antiperspirants, skin darkening, and make-up products. For area V-girls avoid soap or antiseptic.
* Apply special cream area V in the evening, a day for two weeks after treatment to prevent or treat an ingrown hair.
* For maximum results, do scrub with a special product V area every four to seven days, beginning three days after waxing.


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