Mother's need nutritious food for themselves and the fetus.However, not all food and drink "nutritious" can be consumed.See-saw dong, how to process and its origins!Meatballs are a favorite food of most of Indonesia, as well as dumplings, satay, salad, fresh vegetables and raw.
Actually, even though these foods contain protein and vitamins, but according to dr. Mariono Reksoprodjo, Sp.OG., From Chrysanthemum Maternity Clinic, Jakarta, pregnant women need to be careful when eating it. He warned, there are other types of foods and beverages should be avoided or at least watch out for various reasons. Here are a few:* Snacks (meatballs, dumplings, bakwan poor and the like)Meatballs, chicken noodle, bakwan poor, dumplings, and the like which contain chemicals that could be expected to contribute to the emergence of several neurological disorders on fetal growth, such as autism, hyperactivity, cerebral palsy, and others.Materials that need to be aware of pregnant women at this hawker is borax which is usually found in meat balls and dumplings, noodles and formalin on MSG (monosodium glutamate) or seasonings to the sauce, meatballs, noodles or bakwan poor.* Processed meats (kebabs, steak, burgers)If the processing methods used for skewers of meat, steaks and burgers undercooked, the parasites and other microorganisms contained in them will not die. Including Toxoplasma parasites that are dangerous to the physical growth of the fetus. "Almost certainly, the fetus will grow abnormally when the mother is suffering from toxoplasmosis," said Mariono who also worked at the Health Department Headquarters Air Force Air Force Cilangkap, East Jakarta.Toxoplasma trip itself is quite unique. The parasite was originally contained in the litter box which is then exposed to the plants and grasses that are food animals such as cows, goats, or chickens.That's where the animals can be infected with Toxoplasma.If pregnant women consume meat infected with this parasite, it will also automatically contracted toxoplasmosis. The parasites then multiply until then interfere with the growth of the fetus."During pregnancy, choose food that is cooked to avoid a variety of disorders, such as babies born without legs or fingers that are incomplete, imperfect skull, hydrocephalus, and even suffering from congenital heart defects."* CruditesAs with any raw or undercooked meat, raw vegetables can also be used as fresh vegetables contain the parasite Toxoplasma.But that does not mean pregnant women are prohibited from taking them. It's OK, but watch carefully clean. Wash vegetables under running water. Special liquid to wash the food that can kill bacteria or parasites can also be used.According Mariono, wash with clean water sometimes can not completely eradicate the bacteria or parasites that attach to the vegetables. "Especially if you wash it crudely, it is possible the parasite Toxoplasma enters the body," he said.Effect of spraying pesticides on vegetables too worry about.Pesticides are chemicals that can be attached to pest control in vegetables and hard skin disappear even been washed.Pesticide chemicals thought to be one trigger neurological disorders such as autism, cerebral palsy, attention deficit disorder, and so forth.His advice, pregnant women better to eat vegetables or fruits that are free from chemicals or organically grown. This type of vegetables has been found in several places in big cities. Or if not, select the hydroponic vegetables are relatively free from chemicals.* Foods in packages (sausage, nuget, corned beef and the like)Packaged foods generally contain preservatives which can disrupt the digestive feared pregnant women so that nutrients are channeled into the body of the fetus is reduced. Preservatives are also thought to interfere with the growth of fetal brain neurons, whereas pregnancy is the most rapid period of brain growth.Thus, during pregnancy would not hurt the mother to avoid packaged foods. Better to choose fresh food without preservatives. "Generally, corned beef that is in the packaging containing preservatives. Relatively fresh beef contaminated with chemicals so it is better to be consumed, but the record has been processed or cooked and cooked the right way."* Soft drinks in containersBottled soft drinks, although promoted without preservatives but in reality there that contain preservatives. Therefore, Mariono encourage pregnant women to be careful in taking them. "How could such a strong drink in a long time if not given a preservative," says Mariono. So, when pregnant women want to enjoy afternoon tea, for example, better tea and brew their own tea instead of water in containers.However, not all bottled soft drinks must contain preservatives.Such as some dairy products and natural fruit juices for example, manufacturers are deliberately made no use of preservatives.Characteristics of the container is not durable. "Generally, beverage packaging is only lasting up to three days," he said.As for soft drinks, while not causing nausea during pregnancy should be enjoyed. The problem is, many mothers grow sick because soft drinks lead to increased gas in the stomach. This case is a lot happening, especially in the early trimester of pregnancy. When the stomach acid and other digestive enzymes are so abundant that it interferes with the digestive system of pregnant women. So no wonder that soft drinks can increase abdominal bloating.* Food additivesThe impact that the dye is almost the same as a preservative, which is feared to disturb the growth of innervation in the fetus. To identify foods or drinks that contain dyes is quite easy, look at the color of the food.However, this can not always be done easily, especially in foods or beverages that are not in containers. In general, the dye content of packaged foods can be seen from the specified composition. However, not all manufacturers will list clearly the composition of products, so pregnant women still need to be careful.* Mi instant and light snacksInstant noodles and a light snack, usually in addition to containing preservatives also contain sizeable MSG. Mariono warned that pregnant women avoid MSG because its impact could be immediate. "In some people, the effects of MSG can cause dizziness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath even," he explained. MSG consumption are too often expected to interfere with fetal neural growth and become one of the triggers neurological disease when the child was born. After all, does not prohibit Mariono total. When pregnant women miss savory foods, for example, one or two of food to MSG allowed.* Food from the sea is pollutedFood from the sea rather than banned, but need to watch out because many are already polluted sea. Is not the news not long ago memorized hundreds of dead fish in the bay of Jakarta? Yet when it is polluted, fish, small crab, crab, squid, and mussels will contain metal so if consumed by pregnant women is likely to impact on the fetus.Not easy to do to detect whether seafood is contaminated or not, we can do is choose a place that can guarantee about the quality of seafood they sell.* Foods high salinityEntering the third trimester, pregnant women should avoid foods that contain lots of salt. The reason, in this period of pregnancy complications, such as hypertension, and preeclampsia often arise. "Especially if there are symptoms of swelling on one side of the mother's body. This could mean potentially pregnant women develop preeclampsia. When food is not addressed then it can cause hypertension."Uncontrolled hypertension will cause proteinuria or protein out with urine. This symptom is a yellow light for pregnant women to be treated. It may even have terminated her pregnancy because the mother can be in danger of seizures is very dangerous to herself and her fetus.Until now, the main cause of hypertension and preeclampsia is not known with certainty. So just a hunch. One of them mentioned that the swelling, hypertension, and preeclampsia arises because of interference with the sodium pump system in the body so that the exchange of sodium and potassium in the blood vessels affected. Well, foods with high levels of salt (NaCl or sodium chloride) is quite high, would increase the risk.* Foods high in cholesterolPotential for cardiac dysfunction in a three trimester of pregnancy due to the extra weight because of the heart must also supply blood to the fetus. Moreover, if the heart of the capital already have congenital abnormalities, the more caution is needed.Among others by avoiding foods that contain high cholesterol and contains salt.Choose fiber foods are safe for the heart. Mothers need to know, the heart's workload will peak at gestation week 32. The sign is a maximum of hemodilution or blood dilution in which the mother's blood volume increases to 1.5 times due to mixing with the blood of babies. For example, if the normal state of the mother's blood volume is 5 liters, then at 32 weeks' gestation that volume will increase to 7.5 liters, which became a heavy burden for the heart.Irfan
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