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Jul 12, 2012

Keep Your Drinking Water from Diabetes?

HEALTH BLOG-study scientists recommend, replacing sodas and fruit juices with water to reduce the risk of diabetic women. In fact, research initiated by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health indicates, replace sugary drinks with water could also help prevent metabolic disorders.

The findings are based on the drinking habits of about 83,000 women, who were followed for more than a decade. Lead researcher Dr Frank Hu said, the findings also show that sugary drinks are not good for diabetes risk.

In his study, Dr. Hu and his team collected data on respondents involved in the Nurses Health Study to track the health and lifestyles of tens of thousands of women across the U.S.. The study included 82 902 women who answered questions about diet and health over a span of 12 years. Over time, about 2,700 of them had diabetes.

Studies show, many a woman to consume drinking water did not seem to affect the risk of diabetes. Those who drank more than six glasses of water a day had a similar risk to women who drank less than one drink a day.

However, participants who drank sugar-sweetened beverages and fruit juices associated with a higher risk of diabetes-about 10 percent higher for each cup consumed each day.

Researchers estimate that if a woman to replace a glass of soda or fruit juice with a glass of water, the risk of diabetes they will be down about 7 or 8 percent.

"Because diabetes is so common in our society, so although the risk decreased only 7 or 8 percent, is quite large in terms of population," says Dr. Hu.

About 10 percent of women, or 12.6 million people in the United States have diabetes. Any reduction of 7 percent means that there are 10 out of 100 women will be free from the threat of diabetes.

Dr. Hu, who published his findings in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, also found that coffee or tea without sugar may be a good alternative to replace sugary drinks.

The researchers estimate, substitute a glass of soda or fruit juice with a cup of coffee or tea without sugar can reduce the risk of diabetes from 12 percent to 17 percent.

Dr Hu said the research is very important to show that fruit juice is not the best choice as a substitute for soft drinks or sweetened beverages.

"The reality is that fruit juice contains the same amount of calories and sugar as soft drinks," he explained.

The point, said Hu, water is one calorie-free beverages and a selection of the best. If you want to taste the water, you can add lemon or lime juice.


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