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Jul 12, 2012

Identify the Fertile Time to Accelerate Pregnancy?

HEALTH BLOG ~ Jakarta - The fertile into things that can determine whether you want to quickly get pregnant or postpone it.
For those of you who do not want to delay a baby after getting married, have to understand the cycle of fertility? If you have the following characteristics of women entering the fertile period.

Determination of the fertile period is important because time is very good for the program have children. Usually the time of ovulation is 14 days from the estimated first day of your next menstrual period. The menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation until the first day of next menstruation.

If still confused, here is an example of computation. For example, your period every 15 th. Let's assume there are 30 days in a month, so a 28 day cycle then estimate the first day of the next menstrual period is December 13. This means your ovulation occurs 14 days before the date 13 that is about September 29.

For couples who are running the program pregnancy, suggested sexual intercourse during the fertile period and did not do it 2-3 days before the fertile period. Dilakukann way to keep the sperm quality remains excellent due to the formation of sperm to mature in 3 days.

How have understood how to calculate the fertile period? If you have, in addition to the count, you can also recognize when the fertile period of the characteristics of changes in the body. The following characteristics are commonly experienced by women during the fertile time:

Cervical fluid changes
When the fertile period, the liquid that comes out in the cervix is ​​changing. If under normal conditions, the liquid is usually sticky and textured 'creamy' (thick). However, when the fertile time (ovulation) the amount of liquid will be more, and more fluid texture with a translucent color.

Increasing Sexual Desire
When the fertile female hormones fluctuate. Circumstances that would lead to increased sexual desire. Therefore, it is also a good time to have sex with their husbands.

Increased Body Temperature
When the fertile period, women will experience a rise in body temperature. This was caused by the emergence of the hormone progesterone in the body during times of ovulation.

More breast Software
Hormone production is quite high at times of ovulation resulted in some changes in the body, including breasts. Generally at the time of ovulation, a woman's breasts become softer and softer.

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