HEALTH BLOG~Jakarta, because the price is cheap, iced tea much liked everywhere as hunger relief when the weather is at its hottest. But do not overdo it, because the content of oxalate in it can lead to kidney stone formation.
Numerous studies, iced tea contains oxalate in a fairly high number. Oxalate itself is a compound which if excessive can lead to the formation of crystalline deposits in the kidney or along the urinary tract.
"For people who have a tendency to kidney stones, iced tea is the worst drinks for consumption," said Dr. John Milner, a researcher and a urologist from Loyola University, as quoted by AP, Monday (06/08/2012).
The main cause of the formation of kidney stones is not drinking, which makes the minerals in the urine sediment in the ureter or urinary tract. If its small size, kidney stones can pass on their own, while if the size is large can lead to clogging.
Maintain adequate fluid mnum with plenty of water, according to Dr. Milner is a great way to reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. Alternatively, drinking lemonade that contains citric acid can also inhibit the formation of kidney stones.
Dr. Milner also said that some foods have a high oxalate content, so it should not be consumed excessively without offset of drinking water. Examples are spinach, chocolate, rhubarb and various kinds of nuts.
In addition, people who have a history of kidney stones are also advised to reduce salt intake and meat. Not be avoided completely, because it can be offset by the consumption of calcium that will inhibit the absorption of oxalate in the body.
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