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Oct 17, 2012

10 Reasons You Do not Have Desired Skin

By: BellaSugar | Beauty on Shine
You know, a few daily habits can make the skin broken? Indeed, no one is perfect. But there are some things you can change right now to get a glowing appearance. Find out if one of the following is the cause, and make your skin even-toned properly.

1. Using boiling water: steam bath or regular bath can make you more relaxed, but the use of hot water every day can make the skin dry. Do your own thing that you (and your skin) like, by changing the temperature of a lukewarm when bathing.
2. You do not. . . You know: Endorphins are produced during sex (or even fantasize) can help increase the amount of collagen that makes skin elastic. Maybe you should read the novel "50 Shades of Grey" after this.
3. Always try a new product: It can take weeks for any new product in order to function optimally. In addition, care products often change continuously can cause your skin is damaged. So give your product a chance to work optimally, and be careful when using the new product.
4. Too indulge yourself: Just say "no, thanks" to offer additional cocktail before bed. Alcohol can make your skin dry, and make your face look swell, and can disturb your deep sleep. Smoking can also damage the skin color, because smoking will accelerate aging by reducing blood flow.
5. Peeling with salt: Did you know that coarse salt can be used to remove tattoos? And when you are trying to reduce, salt skrub skrub not the best choice for your face. Look for soft bamboo or sugar than fruit apricot exfoliating texture and salt skrub.
6. Sweet love: Throw away the chocolate and see wrinkles. Excess sugar can inhibit collagen that contribute to skin elasticity, and apparently candy is not the only source of sugar. Beware of carbohydrates that can quickly turn into sugar (such as potatoes, pasta, and bread). Eat foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin C instead.
7. No exercise: A few hours exercise a week can make wonders for your skin. Exercise can increase blood flow, making your skin glow from within. Sweating also helps your body to release toxins. Be sure to clean the body before and after exercise to prevent acne.
8. Sleeping on a cotton mattress: There is nothing wrong with sleeping on a cotton mattress, but thanks to the soft fibers, silk is often considered to be gentle for the hair and face. Soft fabric also helps maintain moisture in your body, thus preventing dehydration. In addition, the nature of the cold also feels cool to the skin.
9. Not wearing sunscreen: You've heard this many times before, but using sunscreen is a must to prevent any kind of damage to the skin. Even when the weather is cold, it is important to use protection in exposed areas (face, neck, and hands). Although the rest of your body need sunscreen, your face just takes a little sunscreen.
10. Never check a dermatologist: Your parents instilled the importance of visiting the dentist and doctor regularly, but what a dermatologist? Even women without acne may benefit from the help of a professional. Dermatologists can customize your care needs and explain what your skin damage that can not be seen with the naked eye.


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