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Oct 16, 2012

The danger If the body Losses Too Fast

Healt BLOG - We often hear, lose weight drastically in a short time is dangerous for the body. But really how fast weight loss said to be harmful?

"It could be a particular diet method to lose weight a person very quickly. But when applied to those who are obese, the method could be most appropriate for them, "says Alan Aragon, MS, a nutritionist Olympic athletes.
That's why Aragon wanted to make the perception of the definition of shrinkage too fast. First, Aragon began to explain, too fast shrinkage not only will lower the amount of fat in the body but also eliminates muscle mass. Losing muscle is what will threaten our health as a whole.
Because it means the body's ability to burn calories and regulate the pressure of the blood sugar becomes very low. Second, shrinkage too fast will also make fat accumulate more rapidly in the muscle spaces that have been eroded. This then makes us more than ever sagged.
"For every 450 grams of fat lost from our body, there will be a 18 percent reduced muscle mass," he said.
That is, when we go back to the old diet, the spaces will be filled by the fat easily. So what should be done to decrease fat quickly but without losing muscle mass?
Aragon was answered with research data on the ideal dose reduces body fat without emptying muscle. People with obesity: 1-2 kg per week. As for the fat: 0.8 - 1 kg per week.
The key, added Aragon, is supplementing our diet with regular exercise. Because exercise causes the body to accumulate fat wasting.
And in fact, when the body is shrinking too fast which involved not only the loss of muscle mass but also bone mass, and make us dehydrated. "Even in some people, decrease too quickly makes them a binge eater or the eaten in excessive amounts."
To ensure that the diet we are on the right track, Aragon cites two main stages that normally would tempt us to "finish line" quickly.
1. Get ready for the stagnating. At first, Aragon explains, our weight will drop linearly. That is, the amount of fat lost will be the same every week. This stage is usually felt most weight when undergoing weight loss programs. But as our bodies become lighter, the weight loss will take place more regularly.
"So do not be easily discouraged if the scale weight has not changed much. Because the truth is, the closer we are to the desired target weight the longer we have to meet with the stage of stagnation. "
2. Do not push yourself too much with different dietary rules. When entering week 8 or 12, give your body a break from the diet for 7 days. "The goal is that we do not feel pressured by the different sets of rules are applied." But Aragon reminded the rest that we choose to make healthy food remain as an option.
This method according to Aragon will make us a little mental relaxation so that the program can run more enjoyable diet. Lisa Sasson, RD, assistant professor of nutrition from New York University, also suggested that we not only make the numbers balance as a measure of success or failure of a diet program. "When we managed to enter the rest phase while eating healthy, so do not be shy to appreciate yourself."
Actually, other than the number on the scale is reduced, decrease triglyceride levels, blood pressure, and the percentage of fat in the body, can also be a reference that triggers healthy spirit alive.
If we make it through two stages, then certainly we are on the diet program the right track.
(Prevention Indonesia Online / Siagian Prisca)Editor: Earlysource:


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