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Jul 20, 2011

Tempe Reduce Heart Disease Risk?

author: chwan Susanto | Lucia Anna KusMenopause is a natural process in women is characterized by decreased ovarian function resulting in decreased production of estrogen. Reduced estrogen brings a variety of problems, one of which increased the risk of heart disease.

Decreased production of estrogen causes the disorder of blood fat metabolism so it will aggravate the blood lipid profile and oxidation in the body so vulnerable women suffering from coronary heart disease.The linkage is what encourages Diah Mulyawati Utari conduct doctoral research studies at the Human Nutrition Program, Graduate School (SPs), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and brought the benefits of tempeh for menopausal women.Dissertation title is drawn up, namely "Tempe Intervention Effects on Lipid Profile, Superoxide Dismutase, oxidized LDL and Malondialdehyde in Women Menopause", was released the Public Relations IPB via electronic mail to Reuters on Thursday (07/07/2011).Following his presentation. Easily oxidized lipids in the body, resulting in the formation of lipid peroxidation is characterized by increased malondialdehyde (MDA). High levels of MDA can be used as an indicator of free radicals in the body. Excess free radicals are the risk factors for degenerative diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Lipids, especially in LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) are known as bad cholesterol is a major target of oxidation.
The occurrence of oxidation in LDL-C is one of the main factors of blood vessel blockage. To prevent this required the presence of antioxidants, one of which is the endogenous antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD) which is the first line of defense against oxidation processes in the body.He said that in the last 10-12 years, research on the benefits of soy protein and isoflavones on the rise and depth, and proved that soy consumption does not only improve some aspects of health in menopausal women, but also improve cardiovascular health.We know, Tempe is a traditional food which is very popular in Indonesia. The process of fermentation, so the levels of amino acids, fatty acids, and isoflavones in tempeh is much higher than soybeans.He said some research on tempeh interventions have been conducted in Indonesia, but so far unknown effect of tempe on lipid profile in a comprehensive manner, SOD, MDA, and oxidized LDL in postmenopausal women as a group at risk of developing coronary heart disease. "I am interested in researching this," he said.Research conducted in the city of Bogor for a total sample of 53 menopausal women. The menopausal woman is given 160 grams tempeh every day for four weeks.The amount is equivalent to four medium-sized tempeh pieces.Tempe is steamed for 10 minutes and then mixed with certain herbs, so be ready to eat foods.The criteria for the sample in this study were women who experienced menopause, menopausal range 1-5 years, one of the abnormal lipid profile, not being sick or have a history of degenerative disease, not taking medications and supplements, do not use estrogen therapy, not vegetarians , and willing to meet the regulations during the study. Sample captured by an integrated active coaching post in the city of Bogor.Tempe food analysis showed that the highest amino acid content in tempeh is arginine and the highest fatty acid is linoleic acid. Tempe is also rich in isoflavones and the relative levels can be maintained if the tempeh processed by steaming (not frying).Statistical test results showed that administration of 160 grams tempeh every day for four weeks can improve the lipid profile that is lower total cholesterol, C-LDL (bad) cholesterol, and triglycerides.tempeh can also increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes SOD and MDA and lowered LDL oxidation. These results significantly show that tempe has the ability to reduce risk factors for coronary heart disease.From this study, Diah suggested the government increase the socialization of tempeh as foods that have health benefits.Communities are advised to increase consumption of tempeh every day continuously, especially in menopausal women and other groups that have a higher risk of coronary heart disease.Diah also instruct, to get the maximum effect for health, tempeh should be processed by steaming and frying to avoid processing manner. About the amount consumed tempeh, Diah recommend about 150-160 grams per day, equivalent to 3-4 pieces of tempeh size.

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