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Jul 27, 2012

Eating lots of carbs and sugar trigger Breast Cancer?

Eating lots of carbs and sugar trigger Breast Cancer?

HEALTH BLOG~Surabaya - Foods that contain lots of carbohydrates and sugars are known risk is bad for health. In addition to triggering diabetes, such foods have been found to trigger breast cancer in women who have undergone menopause.

A study conducted in Europe found no relationship between the 'glycemic load' high with breast cancer. It means a lot of high glycemic load foods that cause spikes in blood sugar quickly. The culprits are processed foods, white flour, potatoes and sweets.

Sweet fruit also can actually raise blood sugar quickly. But because low-calorie, then the fruit is not much trigger an increase in glycemic load.

Breast cancer associated with glycemic load is a breast cancer estrogen receptor (ER) negative. Amounts to about a quarter of all cases of breast cancer. Though few, these cancers are usually affected worse than cancer with positive RE because it tends to grow faster and do not respond to hormone therapy.

"In general, foods with high glycemic load was not a healthy menu. Foods such as these have been found associated with many negative health conditions," said Christina Clarke, a researcher at the Cancer Prevention Institute of California in Fremont as reported by Reuters on Friday (27/7 / 2012).

Foods with high glycemic load associated with insulin secretion in abundance. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. High insulin levels are known to be associated with the emergence of certain types of cancer, presumably because insulin helps the growth of tumors.

Conclusion of the study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is based on the long-running study in Europe on nutrition and cancer risk factors. Of the nearly 335 000 women in the study, as many as 11 576 of whom had breast cancer for a dozen years.

In the study, postmenopausal women who ate foods with high glycemic load 36 percent higher risk of esophageal cancer compared with women negative RE is eating foods with low glycemic load. However, the difference in risk found in this study are not too large.

"The difference is not large and there are many other factors that may be different in women. However, this study taking into account risk factors such as weight, exercise habits, calorie intake and smoking habits," said Clarke.

Clarke said that no single factor that causes the risk of breast cancer. These findings are at least encouraged the women to be more diligent consumes a balanced diet by limiting your intake of refined carbohydrates and increase healthy foods such as vegetable protein, good fats, fiber-rich foods and whole grains.

(BDH / Treasurer)


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