HEALTH BLOG~ALTHOUGH been feeling very well, you have to keep spending that has been prescribed antibiotics.
Why not a few people who are reluctant to spend antibiotics because they do not need it anymore. For infections such as strep throat and ear, soon after starting to feel good, we sometimes forget to spend an antibiotic drug. Want to know the reason why antibiotics should be spent?
a. If you stop taking antibiotics even before the time prescribed, the bacteria have the potential to grow again with increasing speed. Because the bacteria are more likely to re-aggravate the symptoms before.
b. If you are taking antibiotics, there will be a fight between the influence of drugs and your immune system. Therefore, the longer the bacteria survive, they will be more likely to become resistant to drugs.
c. In the effort to get rid of the infection, we have to make sure all the bacteria causing the infection has died. If you do not take antibiotics according to the dose, the bacteria could move somewhere else that it could be more deadly.
d. The most efficient way which causes bacteria to become resistant to menhambat growth. This can be done by killing the bacteria quickly. When bacteria multiply, they randomly change their DNA that makes them resistant to antibiotics. So, when they breed, someone who has a number of bacteria may no longer respond to antibiotics.
e. Some bacteria can also do things that should not be done. For example, a simple sore throat can cause sudden fever and rheumatism. This is because A Streptococcus bacteria, which causes strep throat, is not treated properly, so increase the likelihood of return of fever. (Times of India/Pri/OL-06)
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