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Jul 3, 2012

Who Is At Risk Lung Inflammation (Pneumonia)?

HEALTH BLOG ~ Inflammation of the lungs, or pneumonia is a lung infection caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi.
In general, pneumonia caused the dam fluid or pus in the cavity of the lungs, causing pneumonia patients have difficulty breathing.

Here are some risk factors that could cause a person suffering from pneumonia or pneumonia.

People aged over 65 years of age or infants younger than 2 years. Both of these age groups have a weak immune system so prone to infection.
Patients with chronic lung diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis.
Patients with chronic diseases such as heart failure, diabetes or sickle cell anemia.
Undergoing treatment in a hospital intensive care unit especially those using the tools of breath / ventilator.
Complications such as stroke or difficulty in swallowing food batuh.
Malnutrition / malnourished.
Those who work as smokers and alcohol drinkers.


Unknown said...

Inflammation is the result of the body trying to protect us from illness and is normally perfectly normal as the white blood cells and chemicals are sent to fight of the invaders.

Inflammation symptoms

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